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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 878, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434909


Background: The urinary tract is composed by kidneys, urinary bladder and urethra. The kidneys produce urine that achieve urinary bladder by ureters. These have the origin in the renal pelvis, run through the retroperitoneum, end up at the dorsolateral superficies of the urinary bladder, and empty at the trigone. Ureters abnormalities are the rarest congenital defects in the canine urinary tract and ureteroceles are cystic dilatations of the distal segment of the ureter that could be associated to partial or complete urinary obstructions and could lead to megaureter and hydronephrosis. So, the aim of the present study was to describe a case of megaureter by intramural ureteral ectopia in a bitch. Case: A 1-year-old-and-8-month bitch Akita, weighing 18 kg, was referred to the Uniube Veterinary Hospital with vaginal secretion, prostration, hypodipsia, hyporexia and pyrexia related by the tutor. On physical examination, an increase in vulva volume and a vaginal discharge were observed. Nevertheless, others physical exams, blood count and biochemical tests were considered to be within normal parameters. Urinalysis showed cloudy aspect, proteinuria, occult blood, erythrocytes, pyuria, leucocytes, and discreet presence of bacteria. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a megaureter with right uterocele and excretory urography showed absence of glomerular filtration by right kidney. The patient was submitted to surgery for right kidney and ureter exeresis. Histopathology evaluation showed intense dilation of the ureter and severe multifocal renal fibrosis. The surgery was well succeeded, and the patient recovered completely. Discussion: Once megaureter are associated with congenital abnormalities like ectopic ureter and ureterocele, it is usually diagnosed in young patients with medium age of 10 months, which is below the age of the patient in this case report. Additionally, in the patient here reported, the unilateral alteration could explain the absence of kidney fail symptoms. In more than 90% of the cases, the ureteral ectopia was associated with multiple anomalies in the urinary tract, as was observed in this patient, that presented besides ectopic ureter, ureterocele, megaureter and renal dystrophy. All these morphological alterations made impossible the complete urine elimination, which predispose to urinary tract infection, that was observed in this report. According to literature, urinary tract anomalies are associated with infection in 64 to 85% and 50% of the cases also present hydronephrosis and hydroureter. It was also described that ureteral ectopia is diagnosed by visualization of hydroureter in abdominal ultrasonography. The findings present in this report differs a little, once the right kidney was atrophic possibly by malformation or even so by a chronic renal lesion due to the difficulty in urine flow. The excretory urography showed no filtration in the right kidney, indicating non-functionality that was confirmed by histopathology, in which was observed small glomerulus and large amount of connective tissue deposition. In cases of unilateral megaureter with ipsilateral kidney commitment, there is indication of nephroureterectomy, that was performed in the patient of the present report. As far as we know, this is the first report of megaureter, ureterocele and ectopia ureteral together in the same patient. In conclusion, the procedure was secure, efficient and promote a better quality of life for the patient and prevent the recurrence of urinary tract infections.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Ureter/anormalidades , Cistite/veterinária , Nefroureterectomia/veterinária , Sistema Urinário/patologia
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e240118, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278559


Abstract For many centuries human populations have been suffering and trying to fight with disease-bearing mosquitoes. Emerging and reemerging diseases such as Dengue, Zika, and Chikungunya affect billions of people around the world and recently has been appealing to control with chemical pesticides. Malathion (MT) is one of the main pesticides used against mosquitoes, the vectors of these diseases. This study aimed to assess cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of the malathion for the bioindicator Allium cepa L. using a multivariate and integrative approach. Moreover, an appendix table was compiled with all available literature of insecticides assessed by the Allium cepa system to support our discussion. Exposures during 48h to 0.5 mg mL-1 and 1.0 mg mL-1 MT were compared to the negative control (distilled water) and positive control (MMS solution at 10 mg L-1). The presence of chromosomal aberrations, micronuclei frequency, and mitotic index abnormalities was evaluated. Anaphase bridges were the alterations with higher incidence and presented a significantly elevated rate in the concentration of 0.5 mg mL-1, including when compared to the positive control. The integrative discriminant analysis summarizes that MT in assessed concentrations presented effects like the positive control, corroborating its potential of toxicity to DNA. Therefore, it is concluded that MT in its pure composition and in realistic concentrations used, has genotoxic potential in the biological assessment of A. cepa cells. The multivariate integrative analysis was fundamental to show a whole response of all data, providing a global view of the effect of MT on DNA.

Resumo Por muitos séculos, as populações humanas sofrem e tentam combater os mosquitos transmissores de doenças. Doenças emergentes e reemergentes como Dengue, Zika e Chikungunya afetam bilhões de pessoas em todo o mundo e, recentemente, vem apelando ao controle com pesticidas químicos. O Malation (MT) é um dos principais pesticidas usados ​​contra mosquitos, vetores dessas doenças. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a citotoxicidade e a mutagenicidade do MT para o bioindicador Allium cepa L. usando uma abordagem multivariada e integrativa. Além disso, uma tabela suplementar foi compilada com toda a literatura disponível de inseticidas avaliada pelo sistema Allium cepa para apoiar nossa discussão. Exposições ao MT durante 48h a 0,5 mg mL-1 e 1,0 mg mL-1 foram comparadas a um controle negativo (água destilada) e um controle positivo (10 mg L-1 de MMS). Foram avaliadas a presença de aberrações cromossômicas, frequência de micronúcleos e anormalidades no índice mitótico. As pontes anafásicas foram as alterações com maior incidência e apresentaram uma taxa significativamente elevada na concentração de 0,5 mg mL-1, inclusive quando comparadas ao controle positivo. A análise discriminante integrativa resume que o MT nas concentrações avaliadas apresentou efeitos semelhantes ao controle positivo, corroborando seu potencial de toxicidade para o DNA. Portanto, conclui-se que o MT, em sua composição pura e nas concentrações realistas utilizadas, possui potencial genotóxico na avaliação biológica de células de A. cepa. A análise integrativa multivariada foi fundamental para mostrar uma resposta completa de todos os dados, fornecendo uma visão global do efeito da MT no DNA.

Humanos , Animais , Zika virus , Infecção por Zika virus , Inseticidas/toxicidade , Dano ao DNA , Aberrações Cromossômicas , Raízes de Plantas , Cebolas , Mosquitos Vetores , Malation/toxicidade , Índice Mitótico
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 32(2): 1-8, abr.-jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1402019


Diversas afecções que acometem os felinos domésticos, como as retroviroses, não possuem tratamento efetivo. Tal fato torna relevante o estudo dessas doenças, em virtude da baixa eficácia de cura e caráter majoritariamente vitalício. Entre as retroviroses que mais acometem os felinos estão a imunodeficiência felina (FIV) e a leucemia felina (FeLV). O diagnóstico é obtido pela associação do exame clínico, geralmente inconclusivo, com exames laboratoriais complementares. Testes moleculares, como a reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), são eficientes para a detecção do DNA proviral e podem ser utilizados na rotina diagnóstica. Diante disso, o objetivo deste estudo foi comprovar a eficiência do protocolo molecular Nested PCR para diagnosticar FIV e FeLV. Para tal, amostras de sangue e/ou medula de 41 gatos domésticos foram coletadas por meio de punção venosa ou de medula e encaminhadas ao laboratório Oncells Biotecnologia. Os seguintes pares de primers foram adotados para o Nested PCR: FF1 e FF2 para o primeiro ciclo, com um amplicon de 1325pb para FIV e 490pb para a FeLV. Para o segundo foi utilizada a combinação F14, F15, FE4 e FE7, com um amplicon de 1138pb para FIV e 306pb para FeLV. As bandas correspondentes às esperadas para FeLV foram detectadas pela observação dos géis, porém, além de outras bandas inespecíficas, não foram observadas bandas correspondentes à FIV. Os resultados confirmam a capacidade de detecção do patógeno da FeLV pela técnica empregada. No entanto, novos ajustes do protocolo são necessários.

Several affections that affect domestic cats, such as retroviruses, do not have effective treatment. This fact makes the study of these diseases relevant, due to the low healing efficacy and mostly lifelong character. Among the retroviruses that most affect felines are feline immunodeficiency (FIV) and feline leukemia (FeLV). The diagnosis is obtained by associating the clinical examination, which is generally inconclusive, with complementary laboratory tests. Molecular tests, such as the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), are efficient for proviral DNA detection and can be used in the diagnostic routine. Therefore, this study aimed to prove the efficiency of the molecular protocol Nested PCR to diagnose FIV and FeLV. For this purpose, blood and/ or bone marrow samples from 41 domestic cats were collected through venipuncture or bone marrow and sent to the Oncells Biotechnology laboratory. The following primer pairs were adopted for the Nested PCR: FF1 and FF2 for the first cycle, with an amplicon of 1325bp for FIV and 490bp for FeLV. For the second, the combination F14, F15, FE4, and FE7 was used, with an amplicon of 1138bp for FIV and 306bp for FeLV. The bands corresponding to those expected for FeLV were detected by observing the gels; however, in addition to other non-specific bands, bands corresponding to FIV were not observed. The results confirm the ability to detect the FeLV pathogen by the technique employed. Nevertheless new protocol adjustments are required.

Animais , Gatos , Leucemia Felina/diagnóstico , Vírus da Imunodeficiência Felina/isolamento & purificação , Vírus da Leucemia Felina/isolamento & purificação , Doenças da Imunodeficiência Primária/diagnóstico , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Infecções por Retroviridae/diagnóstico
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(1): 59-63, jan./mar. 2022. il.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1395508


O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a prevalência de Clostridioides difficile e suas toxinas (A/B) nas fezes de animais domésticos de um Hospital Veterinário Universitário de Teresina - PI. A detecção de C. difficile e suas toxinas foi realizada por meio de um ensaio imunoenzimático, denominado C. Diff Quik Chek Complete® (TECHLAB), capaz de detectar antígeno Glutamato Desidrogenase (GDH) e as toxinas A/B produzidas pelo bacilo, realizado em amostras fecais de cães (C. lupus) e e gatos (Felis catus) coletadas entre agosto de 2019 a setembro de 2020. Um total de 54 amostras fecais foram analisadas, das quais 16 foram positivas para C. difficile (29,63%). 68,75% (11/16) pertenciam a caninos, enquanto 31,25% (5/16) a felinos. Amostras diarreicas e não diarreicas foram utilizadas para o estudo e uma maior prevalência do bacilo pôde ser identificada em amostras diarreicas (33%). Nenhuma das amostras apresentou toxinas do patógeno. Os achados deste estudo evidenciam que C.difficile está presente no estado do Piauí. Foi possível identificá-lo em todas as espécies e em amostras diarreicas ou não, demonstrando que essa infecção pode se manifestar de formasintomática e assintomática, levantando a possibilidade de infecção cruzada entre o animal e seu tutor.

The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of Clostridioides difficile and its toxins (A/B) in the feces of domestic animals at a University Veterinary Hospital in Teresina - PI. The detection of C. difficile and its toxins was performed by an immunogenic enzyme, called C. Diff Quik Chek Complete® (TECHLAB), capable of detecting antigen glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and A/B toxins produced by this bacillus, performed in fecal samples of dogs (C. lupus) and cats (Felis catus) collected between August 2019 and September 2020.:54 stools were analyzed, of which 16 were positive for C. difficile (29.63%). 68.75% (11/16) belonged to canines, while 3.25% (5/16) to felines. Diarrheal and non-diarrheal diseases are used for the study and a higher prevalence of bacillus can be identified in diarrheal diseases (33%). None of the samples present pathogen toxins. The results of this study show that C. difficile is present in the state of Piauí. It can be identified in all species and in diarrheal or non-diarrheic samples, demonstrating that this infection can be symptomatic and asymptomatic, giving the possibility of cross-infection between the animal and its owner.

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Gatos/anormalidades , Clostridioides difficile/patogenicidade , Técnicas Imunoenzimáticas/veterinária , Infecções por Clostridium/diagnóstico , Cães/anormalidades , Fezes/microbiologia , Zoonoses Bacterianas/diagnóstico
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(1): 50-53, jan./mar. 2022. il.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393368


A leptospirose é uma zoonose de distribuição mundial que pode acometer cães e ser altamente letal para a espécie. No Brasil, tal enfermidade tem caráter endêmico na espécie canina e configura-se como um sério problema de saúde pública. Objetivou-se verificar a ocorrência dos sorogrupos/sorovares de Leptospira spp. que mais acometem cães com suspeita clínica de leptospirose na cidade de Santa Maria ­ RS, Brasil, analisando sua titulação de anticorpos. No estudo, utilizou-se os laudos dos exames de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM) para leptospirose de 218 cães provenientes da cidade de Santa Maria ­ RS durante o período de janeiro de 2015 a dezembro de 2019. Todos os laudos foram emitidos pelo Laboratório de Leptospirose (LabLepto - UFSM). Das 218 amostras de soro processadas nos cinco anos, 101 (46,33%) resultaram positivas para, pelo menos, um sorogrupo/sorovar testado. Este estudo demonstrou maior ocorrência do sorogrupo Icterohaemorrhagiae (53,37%) contemplado pelas sorovares Copenhageni e Icterohaemorrhagiae, com 49 (30,06%) e 38 (23,31%) soros reagentes, respectivamente. As titulações variaram de 100 a 6400, sendo que a mais recorrente encontrada nas amostras deste estudo foi 100, representando 47,85% dos títulos de anticorpos. Os dados obtidos neste estudo são de grande valia para o conhecimento dos sorogrupos/sorovares circulantes na região e sua epidemiologia podendo, inclusive, auxiliar para futuras formulações vacinais considerando sorogrupos/sorovares mais frequentemente detectados, contribuindo, assim, com a saúde pública.

Leptospirosis is a worldwide distribution zoonosis that can affect dogs and be highly lethal for the species. In Brazil, this disease is endemic in the canine species and represents a serious public health problem. The aim of this study was to verify the occurrence of Leptospira spp. that most affect dogs with clinical suspicion of leptospirosis in the city of Santa Maria ­ RS, Brazil, analyzing their antibody titers. In the study, we used the reports of microscopic agglutination tests (MAS) for leptospirosis in 218 dogs from the city of Santa Maria - RS during the period from January 2015 to December 2019. All reports were issued by the Leptospirosis Laboratory (LabLepto - UFSM). Of the 218 serum samples processed over the five years, 101 (46.33%) were positive for at least one serogroup/serovar tested. This study showed a higher occurrence of serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae (53.37%) covered by serovars Copenhageni and Icterohaemorrhagiae, with 49 (30.06%) and 38 (23.31%) reagent sera, respectively. The titers ranged from 100 to 6400, and the most recurrent found in the samples in this study was 100, representing 47.85% of the antibody titers. The data obtained in this study are of great value for understanding the serogroups/serovars circulating in the region and their epidemiology, and may even contribute to future vaccine formulations considering the most frequently detected serogroups/serovars, thus contributing to public health.

Animais , Cães , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Cães/anormalidades , Sorogrupo , Zoonoses Bacterianas/epidemiologia , Leptospira , Leptospirose/veterinária
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(3): 130-134, jul./set. 2022. il.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1411231


A brucelose é uma doença bacteriana de grande importância para a economia pecuária e para a saúde pública por se tratar de uma zoonose. É uma doença infecto-contagiosa que tem com agente etiológico bactérias do gênero Brucella. Em bovinos, as espécies do gênero é a Brucella abortus, que são cocobacilos gram negativo, intracelulares facultativos, imóveis e não esporulado. A infecção apresenta evolução crônica e acomete animais de todas as idades, sendo mais frequente em indivíduos sexualmente maduros. O objetivo desse trabalho é investigar, por meio da sorologia para brucelose bovina, utilizando a técnica do ELISA indireto, amostras de animais reagentes abatidos em frigoríficos inspecionados no estado da Bahia. Foram utilizados 666 animais, selecionados aleatoriamente no momento do abate. O sangue foi coletado com finalidade de obtenção de soro, todas as amostras foram submetidas à prova de triagem do Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (AAT), prova do 2mercaptoetanol (2-ME) e ELISA Indireto. Das amostras reagentes no teste do AAT, obteve-se uma prevalência estimada em 1,2%. A prevalência no teste do ELISA foi de 13,21% (n=86). Esse resultado sugere a ocorrência de falsos negativos quando se utiliza a prova do antígeno acidificado tamponado.

Brucellosis is a bacterial disease of great importance to the livestock economy and to public health because it is a zoonosis. It is an infectious disease that has etiologic agent with bacteria of the genus Brucella. In cattle, the species of the genus Brucella is Brucella abortus that are gram negative, facultative intracellular, real estate and not sporulated. The infection presents chronic and affects animals of all ages, being more frequent in sexually mature individuals. This study aimed to investigate through serology for brucellosis, using the technique of indirect ELISA, samples from positive animals slaughtered in slaughterhouses inspected in the state of Bahia. A total of 666 animals were used, randomly selected at the time of slaughter. Blood was collected in order to obtain serum, all samples were subjected to a screening test Antigen Buffered Acidified (AAT), proof of 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) and Indirect ELISA. Of reagents in the test samples of AAT obtained an estimated prevalence of 1.2%. The prevalence in the ELISA test was 13.21% (n = 86). This result suggests the occurrence of false negatives when using the buffered acidified antigen test.

Animais , Bovinos , Brucella abortus , Brucelose Bovina/diagnóstico , Bovinos/anormalidades , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , Zoonoses Bacterianas/diagnóstico , Prevalência
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 809, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401392


Background: In people, extrarenal pelvis is a normal anatomical variant, characterized by the protusion of the pelvis out of the renal hilum, which can be associated with other anomalies, or predispose to stasis or infection. While other diagnostic imaging methods provide anatomical and morphological information about the kidney, scintigraphy allows to determine the renal function and has greater sensitivity in the detection of functional alterations. The aim of this work is to report the case of an asymptomatic cat diagnosed with extrarenal pelvis detected by scintigraphy, which presented alterations in laboratory and renal imaging tests, and absence of associated obstructive process. Case: A 7-year-old mixed-breed female cat was evaluated for a routine health assessment at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (HCV-UFRGS). When performing the imaging and laboratory tests, renal alterations compatible with chronic kidney disease were found in the abdominal ultrasonography examination and in serum creatinine levels. Therefore, it was decided to perform scintigraphy evaluation to better assess renal function. Dynamic renal scintigraphy with 99mTcDTPA revealed an evident concentration of the radiotracer in the left kidney with effective elimination only after the diuretic stimulus. The right kidney exhibited less concentration of the radiotracer but showed effective elimination before the diuretic stimulus. Image analysis suggested the presence of an extrarenal pelvis on the left side. The relative renal uptake was 68% for the left kidney and 32% for the right kidney. The glomerular filtration rate was 1.65 mL/min/kg. Static renal scintigraphy with 99mTcDMSA revealed irregularity in the distribution of the radiotracer in both kidneys, showing less activity in the caudal pole of the left kidney. The right kidney was apparently reduced and with less activity, especially in the medial portion. The relative renal uptake was 65% for the left kidney and 35% for right kidney, while the absolute renal uptake of the left kidney was 33% and that of the right kidney was 17%. The alteration described in the left kidney, in correlation with dynamic renal scintigraphy, suggested an aspect of lower activity in the caudal pole due to the presence of activity in the extrarenal pelvis. The left kidney was classified as presenting normal renal function and there was moderate to severe deficit of renal function on the right side. Discussion: Chronic kidney disease may be present before clinical signs and biochemical abnormalities are identified. In this report, the animal was referred for a routine evaluation and showed no clinical signs nor alterations on physical examination. However, as renal morphological alterations were seen on ultrasonography and the cat presented mild azotemia, it was decided to perform two renal scintigraphy exams. Despite the radiotracer elimination from the left kidney was seen only after the diuretic stimulus, dynamic renal scintigraphy did not show any obstructive process. This delay on elimination was probably a result of the anatomical variant called extrarenal pelvis. In the static renal scintigraphy, it was possible to evaluate morphological changes in the kidneys and suggest less activity in the caudal pole of the left kidney, due to the presence of activity in the extrarenal pelvis, apparently causing the mentioned defect. The correct diagnosis of morphological changes is essential and for this purpose the best combination of imaging tests is necessary. Renal scintigraphy was fundamental, in this case, for the diagnosis of extrarenal pelvis in one of the kidneys, an abnormality not reported in the feline species within the literature researched by the authors. In addition, renal scintigraphy helped to guide the clinical management of the patient described in this report.

Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Pelve/anormalidades , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/veterinária , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/diagnóstico por imagem , Cintilografia/veterinária , Compostos Radiofarmacêuticos/administração & dosagem
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 798, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401274


Background: Nasolacrimal duct tumors are divided into primary and secondary, with primary tumors being rare in all species. Secondary involvement of the lacrimal sac and duct can occur from any skin lesion involving the eyelid and/or conjunctiva and from any neoplastic process involving the paranasal sinuses. Lacrimal sac metastatic lesions may originate from any distant site and include carcinomas or melanomas, with squamous cell carcinoma being the most common type. The objectives of the present report were to describe a case of squamous cell carcinoma in the nasolacrimal duct and to emphasize the importance of a good ophthalmic evaluation. Case: A 16-year-old spayed bitch white poodle was presented to the veterinary clinic. The owner complained that the animal had epiphora and mucoid secretion in the right eye, eyelid hyperemia in both eyes, and sporadic sneezing with blood. On ophthalmic examination, the animal was initially diagnosed with nasolacrimal duct obstruction and right eye (OD) blepharitis and OU uveitis. Fourteen days after the first evaluation, the nasolacrimal duct region increased, with the presence of bloody secretion. Biomicroscopy showed nodules inside the lacrimal duct, in the punctum region. The animal was sedated to obtain a fragment of the nodule for histopathological analysis, and a subsequent oral cavity evaluation identified a nodule in the transition region between the 4th premolar and 1st molar, which was sent for cytology. Cytology of the medial corner region of the RE showed epithelial and mesenchymal cells with malignancy characteristics, and the biopsy was suggestive of malignant epithelial neoplasia (carcinoma). A surgical procedure for nodule resection was ruled out because bone involvement was extensive, and chemotherapy was selected. The patient died 2 months after the 1st consultation. The diagnosis was confirmed through necropsy via immunohistochemical tests, demonstrating squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) both in the mouth and the nasal and ocular sinuses. Discussion: The most common conditions affecting the nasolacrimal drainage system in dogs are those causing obstructions. These may be congenital, arising from a developmental defect of micropunctum or agenesis of the punctum, they may be acquired, arising from infection and inflammation. SCC is a malignant neoplasm originating in the stratified squamous epithelium. The predisposing factors in cats and dogs include lack of adnexal pigmentation and, possibly, chronic irritation of the ocular surface. A light coat is considered a relevant factor, especially in regions with little hair coverage. In addition to a mass lesion, other clinical signs of eyelid or ocular surface tumors may include epiphora, conjunctival vascular injection, mucopurulent ocular discharge, 3rd eyelid protrusion, conjunctival/corneal roughness or ulceration, and corneal neovascularization or pigmentation. Clinical presentations are nonspecific. Neoplasms, whether nasal and/or in the maxillary sinus, can invade the nasolacrimal duct and spread to the nasal cavity, and neoplasms in the nasal cavity can invade the nasolacrimal duct. Ophthalmic evaluation along with good inspection of the oral cavity is a useful tool in the diagnosis of eye neoplasms that may have effects on the oral cavity or vice versa due to the strong association between them. Early diagnosis is crucial for the clinical or surgical management of each case of ophthalmic neoplasia and for therapeutic success.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas de Cabeça e Pescoço/veterinária , Doenças do Aparelho Lacrimal/veterinária , Ducto Nasolacrimal/patologia
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 22: e, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1473823


A leishmaniose canina (CanL) é uma zoonose causada pelo protozoário da espécie Leishmania infantum. O baço e os linfonodos sofrem alterações morfológicas durante o CanL. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo realizar um estudo anatomopatológico e imuno-histoquímico desses órgãos em cães reativos para leishmaniose aos testes de Imunoensaio Cromatográfico “Dual Path Platform” (DPP®) e Ensaio de Imunoabsorção Enzimática (ELISA). Vinte e sete cães foram avaliados ao exame anatomopatológico, com 92,6% exibindo alterações à avaliação macroscópica, especialmente esplenomegalia e linfadenomegalia. Todos os cães apresentaram alterações no baço não relacionadas à carga parasitária, sendo a esplenite granulomatosa a alteração mais grave. Hiperplasia cortical e paracortical difusa e hiperplasia e hipertrofia dos cordões medulares foram observadas nos linfonodos. Formas amastigotas de Leishmania spp. foram encontradas no baço e linfonodo às avaliações histopatológica e imuno-histoquímica, com boa concordância entre os métodos (k = 0,55, p = 0,00124), mas não foi observada diferença na intensidade parasitária entre esses órgãos à imuno-histoquímica (p = 0,23). Conclui-se que baço e linfonodo de cães reativos para leishmaniose aos testes DPP® e ELISA apresentam alterações histomorfológicas decorrentes da doença, independente da carga parasitária, assim como esses órgãos apresentam carga parasitária semelhante ao método imuno-histoquímico.

Canine leishmaniasis (CanL) is a zoonosis caused by the protozoan of the species Leishmania infantum. The spleen and lymph nodes undergo morphological changes during CanL. This research aimed to perform an anatomopathological and immunohistochemical study of these organs in dogs reactive to leishmaniasis in the Dual-path Platform chromatographic immunoassay (DPP®) and Enzyme Immunoabsorption Assay (ELISA). Twenty-seven dogs were evaluated for anatomopathological examination with 92.6% showing changes at gross evaluation, specially splenomegaly and lymphadenomegaly. All dogs showed changes in the spleen unrelated to the parasitic load, with granulomatous splenitis being the most severe change. Diffuse cortical and paracortical hyperplasia, and hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the medullary cords were observed in the lymph node. Amastigote forms of Leishmania spp. were found in the spleen and lymph node at histopathological and immunohistochemical evaluations, with good agreement between these evaluations (k = 0.55, p = 0.00124), but no difference was observed in the parasitic intensity of these organs at immunohistochemistry (p = 0.23). It was concluded that spleen and lymph node from dogs reactive to leishmaniasis on the DPP® and ELISA tests show histomorphological changes resulting from the disease, independent to the parasitic load, as well as these organs show similar parasitic load at immunohistochemical test.

Animais , Cães , Baço/anatomia & histologia , Baço/anormalidades , Doenças Negligenciadas/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/sangue , Leishmania/patogenicidade , Leishmaniose/veterinária , Linfonodos/anatomia & histologia , Linfonodos/anormalidades , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 26: e20200019, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32336


Zika virus (ZIKV), an emerging arthropod-borne virus (arbovirus) of the Flaviviridae family, is a current issue worldwide, particularly because of the congenital and neurological syndromes associated with infection by this virus. As the initial clinical symptoms of all diseases caused by this group are very similar, clinical diagnosis is difficult. Furthermore, laboratory diagnostic efforts have failed to identify specific and accurate tests for each virus of the Flaviviridae family due to the cross-reactivity of these viruses in serum samples. This situation has resulted in underreporting of the diseases caused by flaviviruses. However, many companies developed commercial diagnostic tests after the recent ZIKV outbreak. Moreover, health regulatory agencies have approved different commercial tests to extend the monitoring of ZIKV infections. Considering that a specific and sensitive diagnostic method for estimating risk and evaluating ZIKV propagation is still needed, this review aims to provide an update of the main commercially approved serological diagnostics test by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA). Additionally, we present the technologies used for monoclonal antibody production as a tool for the development of diagnostic tests and applications of these antibodies in detecting ZIKV infections worldwide.(AU)

Infecção por Zika virus/diagnóstico , Testes Sorológicos , Comércio , Anticorpos Monoclonais/análise , Anticorpos Monoclonais/química , Zika virus
R. bras. Ci. Vet. ; 27(2): 61-64, abr.-jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29876


Citrobacter sp. é um microrganismo frequentemente encontrado em vagina de cadelas, mas corresponde a menos de 3% do total de microrganismos isolados em urocultura. O hipoadrenocorticismo (HA) é uma doença endócrina incomum e que leva a poliúria e hipostenúria. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o caso de uma fêmea da espécie canina, da raça Teckel, 11 anos, atendida com queixa de urina de odor alterado há vários dias, além de vômito, diarreia e inapetência há três dias, e poliúria e polidipsia há 2 meses, com histórico de tratamento anterior com mitotano para hiperadrenocorticismo. O diagnóstico foi de ITU por Citrobacter sp., além de HA iatrogênico. Como destaques nos exames, relação sódio:potássio de 22,6 foi observada, sugestiva de HA, que foi confirmado por teste de estimulação com ACTH, além de urina inicialmente hipostenúrica (densidade 1,006), o que pode ser atribuído ao washout medular renal devido à hiponatremia causada pelo hipoadrenocorticismo. O tratamento foi feito com amoxicilina associada a ácido clavulânico por 20 dias, além da terapia específica para HA com prednisona e fludrocortisona, que foi continuado. A paciente recuperou-se bem, a densidade urinária aumentou após início do tratamento para HA e não houve recidiva da ITU em período de acompanhamento de 8 meses. Acredita-se que a baixa densidade urinária causada pelo HA tenha sido fator essencial para a oco

Citrobacter sp. is a normal constituent of bitches vagina, but it is related to less than 3% of total isolated microorganism in uroculture. Hypoadrenocorticism (HA) is an endocrine disease uncommonly diagnosed that leads to polyuria and hypostenuria. The aim of this work is report the case of a Teckel bitch, 11 years old, attended with complaint of altered urinary smell for several days, besides vomiting, diarrhea and inappetence for three days, and polyuria and polydispsia for two months, with previous mitotane treatment for hyperadrenocorticism. The diagnosis was Citrobacter UTI, besides iatrogenic HA. The most important exam results include sodium:potassium ratio of 22.6, suggestive of HA, that was confirmed by ACTH stimulation test. Besides, hypostenuria (urinary specific gravity USG - of 1.006) was noted, attributed to renal medular washout due to hyponatremia seen in HA. Therapy comprised amoxicillin associated with clavulanic acid for 20 days, in addition to specific therapy for AH with prednisone and fludrocortisone. The patient recovery well, USG increased after the beginning of the treatment for HA and there was no UTI reinfection for a 8 month period. It is believed that low USG due to HA was essential for the occurrence of Citrobacter UTI.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Citrobacter/classificação , Citrobacter/patogenicidade , Cães/microbiologia , Hipoadrenocorticismo Familiar/veterinária
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 27(2): 61-64, abr./jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491669


Citrobacter sp. é um microrganismo frequentemente encontrado em vagina de cadelas, mas corresponde a menos de 3% do total de microrganismos isolados em urocultura. O hipoadrenocorticismo (HA) é uma doença endócrina incomum e que leva a poliúria e hipostenúria. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o caso de uma fêmea da espécie canina, da raça Teckel, 11 anos, atendida com queixa de urina de odor alterado há vários dias, além de vômito, diarreia e inapetência há três dias, e poliúria e polidipsia há 2 meses, com histórico de tratamento anterior com mitotano para hiperadrenocorticismo. O diagnóstico foi de ITU por Citrobacter sp., além de HA iatrogênico. Como destaques nos exames, relação sódio:potássio de 22,6 foi observada, sugestiva de HA, que foi confirmado por teste de estimulação com ACTH, além de urina inicialmente hipostenúrica (densidade 1,006), o que pode ser atribuído ao washout medular renal devido à hiponatremia causada pelo hipoadrenocorticismo. O tratamento foi feito com amoxicilina associada a ácido clavulânico por 20 dias, além da terapia específica para HA com prednisona e fludrocortisona, que foi continuado. A paciente recuperou-se bem, a densidade urinária aumentou após início do tratamento para HA e não houve recidiva da ITU em período de acompanhamento de 8 meses. Acredita-se que a baixa densidade urinária causada pelo HA tenha sido fator essencial para a oco

Citrobacter sp. is a normal constituent of bitches’ vagina, but it is related to less than 3% of total isolated microorganism in uroculture. Hypoadrenocorticism (HA) is an endocrine disease uncommonly diagnosed that leads to polyuria and hypostenuria. The aim of this work is report the case of a Teckel bitch, 11 years old, attended with complaint of altered urinary smell for several days, besides vomiting, diarrhea and inappetence for three days, and polyuria and polydispsia for two months, with previous mitotane treatment for hyperadrenocorticism. The diagnosis was Citrobacter UTI, besides iatrogenic HA. The most important exam results include sodium:potassium ratio of 22.6, suggestive of HA, that was confirmed by ACTH stimulation test. Besides, hypostenuria (urinary specific gravity – USG - of 1.006) was noted, attributed to renal medular washout due to hyponatremia seen in HA. Therapy comprised amoxicillin associated with clavulanic acid for 20 days, in addition to specific therapy for AH with prednisone and fludrocortisone. The patient recovery well, USG increased after the beginning of the treatment for HA and there was no UTI reinfection for a 8 month period. It is believed that low USG due to HA was essential for the occurrence of Citrobacter UTI.

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Citrobacter/classificação , Citrobacter/patogenicidade , Cães/microbiologia , Hipoadrenocorticismo Familiar/veterinária
Acta cir. bras. ; 35(6): [e202000604], jul. 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28256


Purpose. This experimental sepsis model created with Escherichia coli aimed to investigate the histopathological effects of two different doses of ozone combined with antibiotherapy on lung tissue.. Methods. Rats were divided into 5 groups. Then sepsis was induced intraperitoneally in the first 4 groups. The 1st group was treated with cefepime, the 2nd and 3rd groups were treated with cefepime combined with ozone at a dose of 0.6 mg/kg and 1.1 mg/kg. Lung tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and assessed under light microscope and scored between 0-4 in terms of histopathological findings.. Results. In the comparisons between Group 1 and Group 4 in terms of cellular damage (p=0.030), inflammation (p=0.000) and overall score (p=0.007), statistically significant positive effects were observed in favor of Group 1. In the comparisons of Groups 2 and 3 with Group 4, only positive effects were observed in terms of inflammation (p=0.020, p=0.012, respectively).. Conclusion. Although negative histopathological effects of ozone on tissue injury were detected, it was noteworthy that the increase in the ozone dose reduced the number of damaged parameters.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Ozônio/análise , Pulmão/anormalidades , Sepse/terapia , Sepse/veterinária
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 27(1): 22-28, jan./mar. 2020. il.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1379247


The aims of this study were to perform serological and molecular detection of Leptospira sp. infection in cattle and sheep under semiarid conditions. Based on a preliminary study performed in our research group, we selected six rural properties showing a positivity ≥ 60% for Sejroe serogroup with titer ≥ 200 measured in serological tests from cattle. In the present study, blood and urine samples were collected from 99 females of reproductive age (51 cattle and 48 sheep) for serological diagnosis, molecular detection and Leptospira sp. attempt to strain recovery. Of the 99 analyzed animals 38.4% (38/99) were positively reactive at the serological tests. Of them, 49% (25/51) were cattle and 27.1% (13/48) sheep. The serogroups detected in cattle were Sejroe (36.8%), Hebdomadis (26.3%), Australis (10.5%), Djasiman (10.5%), Ballum (5.3%), Pomona (5.3%), and Cynopteri (5.3%) with titers of 100­800. In sheep, the reactive serogroups were Australis (27.3%), Ballum (27.3%), Djasiman (18.1%), Tarassovi (9.1%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (9.1%), and Cynopteri (9.1%) with titers of 100­400.Leptospiral DNA was detected in nine urine samples, including five cattle and four sheep. Property 1 showed the highest serological positivity frequencies for both cattle (70.6%) and sheep (70.6%). Similarly, the highest frequency of DNA detection was also found (eight samples, 89%). In this property, we observed the existence of consorted rearing of cattle and sheep with close coexistence between these species. In semiarid conditions, transmission among animals of the same species seems to be the main form of Leptospira sp. dissemination in cattle and sheep herds. However, the contribution of other domestic and wild animals cannot be discarded. The practice of consorted rearing of cattle and sheep and their close coexistence may facilitate the spread of the pathogen in rural properties.

Os objetivos deste estudo foram realizar detecção sorológica e molecular da infecção por Leptospira sp. em bovinos e ovinos em condições semiáridas. Com base em estudo preliminar realizado em nosso grupo de pesquisa, foram selecionadas seis propriedades rurais com soropositividade ≥ 60% para o sorogrupo Sejroe com título ≥ 200 em bovinos. No presente estudo, amostras de sangue e urina foram coletadas de 99 fêmeas em idade reprodutiva (51 bovinos e 48 ovinos) para diagnóstico sorológico, detecção molecular e tentativa de recuperação de estirpesde Leptospira sp. Dos 99 animais analisados, 38,4% (38/99) foram sororeativos nos testes sorológicos. Destes, 49% (25/51) eram bovinos e 27,1% (13/48) ovinos. Os sorogrupos detectados em bovinos foram Sejroe (36,8%), Hebdomadis (26,3%), Australis (10,5%), Djasiman (10,5%), Ballum (5,3%), Pomona (5,3%) e Cynopteri (5,3%) com títulos de 100 a 800. Nos ovinos, os sorogrupos reativos foram Australis (27,3%), Ballum (27,3%), Djasiman (18,1%), Tarassovi (9,1%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (9,1%) e Cynopteri (9,1%) com títulos de 100-400. O DNA leptospiral foi detectado em nove amostras de urina, incluindo cinco bovinos e quatro ovinos. A propriedade 1 apresentou as maiores frequências de positividade sorológica para bovinos (70,6%) e ovinos (70,6%). Da mesma forma, a maior frequência de detecção de DNA também foi encontrada (oito amostras, 89%). Nesta propriedade observou-se a existência de criação consorciada de bovinos e ovinos com estreita convivência entre estas espécies. Em condições semiáridas, a transmissão entre animais da mesma espécie parece ser a principal forma de disseminação de Leptospira sp. em rebanhos bovinos e ovinos. No entanto, a contribuição de outros animais domésticos e selvagens não pode ser descartada. A prática de criação consorciada de bovinos e ovinos e sua estreita convivência podem facilitar a disseminação do patógeno em propriedades rurais.

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/anormalidades , Testes Sorológicos/veterinária , Ovinos/anormalidades , Transmissão de Doença Infecciosa/veterinária , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Molecular/veterinária , Leptospira/patogenicidade , Leptospirose/veterinária , Zona Semiárida
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 26: e20200008, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32275


The present study was carried out aiming to evaluate the impact of laryngeal sequelae on the quality of life of treated paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) patients. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Otorhinolaryngology Outpatient Clinic of the University Hospital, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Thirty-two PCM patients considered clinically and immunologically cured were included: 16 with laryngeal involvement during the active phase of the disease (laryngeal PCM group) and 16 without laryngeal involvement (control group). They were submitted to structured interview, otorhinolaryngology examination, videolaryngoscopy, videoendoscopic swallowing study, completed two questionnaires for voice self-assessment - Voice-related Quality of Life (V-RQOL) and Voice Handicap Index (VHI) - and were asked to score their voices on a scale from zero to 10 (self-assessment of vocal quality). Results: Dysphonia was present in 50% of the cases. Patients with laryngeal PCM presented worse voice-related quality of life scores on the V-RQOL and poorer vocal quality self-assessment than the control group. No significant differences in the VHI were found between the groups. None of the participants developed dysphagic sequelae, although some minor changes were observed on videoendoscopic examination. Conclusion: There were no dysphagia complaints and only a few mild changes were found on the fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing, suggesting that this evaluation should be performed only in specific cases. Patients with laryngeal involvement presented worse V-RQOL and self-assessment voice quality. This study contributes to the current knowledge of the functional assessment of the larynx affected by PCM and the impact of dysphonia on quality of life.(AU)

Humanos , Laringe/anormalidades , Distúrbios da Voz , Paracoccidioidomicose , Mucosa Laríngea/microbiologia , Qualidade de Vida
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(5): 325-332, May 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135637


A case series study was conducted to determine the frequency of causes of abortion in dairy cattle in Uruguay. The sample size of 102 cases was composed of 53 fetuses, 35 fetuses with placentas, and 14 placentas without an associated fetus. All cases underwent gross and microscopic pathologic examinations as well as microbiological and serological testing. The etiology was determined in 54 (53%) of cases, 51 of which were caused by infectious agents. Within the observed 102 cases, 30 (29%) were caused by Neospora caninum, six (6%) by Coxiella burnetii and two (2%) by Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis. Bovine Parainfluenza-3 virus and Salmonella enterica serovar Newport caused one abortion each. Opportunistic bacteria (Escherichia coli, Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Mannheimia sp., Trueperella pyogenes, and Providencia stuartii) were associated with 11 abortions. In two cases the fetal death was attributed to dystocia, and in one case the fetus had a congenital mesothelioma. Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infection was identified in three fetuses; two of which were co-infected with and had typical lesions of N. caninum. No lesions were observed in the other fetus infected by BVDV. Leptospira interrogans was identified in one fetus without lesions. Despite the relatively low overall success rate in establishing an etiological diagnosis in cases of abortion in cattle, a systemic workup of bovine abortion is necessary to establish prevention and control strategies. This also facilitates monitoring and surveillance of reproductive diseases in dairy cattle, some of which represent a risk to public health.(AU)

Uma série de casos foi estudada para determinar a frequência de causas do aborto em bovinos leiteiros no Uruguai. A amostra, de 102 casos, foi composta por 53 fetos, 35 fetos com placentas e 14 placentas sem feto associado. Todos os casos foram submetidos a exames patológicos macroscópicos e microscópicos, além de testes microbiológicos e sorológicos. A etiologia foi determinada em 54 (53%) dos casos, 51 dos quais foram causados por agentes infecciosos. Nos 102 casos observados, 30 (29%) foram causados por Neospora caninum, seis (6%) por Coxiella burnetii e dois (2%) por Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis. O vírus da Parainfluenza-3 e Salmonella enterica serovar Newport causaram um aborto cada. Bactérias oportunistas (Escherichia coli, Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Mannheimia sp., Trueperella pyogenes e Providencia stuartii) foram associadas a 11 abortos. Em dois casos, a morte fetal foi atribuída a distocia e, em um caso, o feto apresentava mesotelioma congênito. A infecção pelo vírus da diarreia viral bovina (BVDV) foi identificada em três fetos; dois dos quais foram co-infectados e apresentavam lesões típicas de N. caninum. Não foram observadas lesões no outro feto infectado pelo BVDV. Leptospira interrogans foi identificada em um feto sem lesões. Apesar da relativamente baixa taxa de sucesso no diagnóstico etiológico nos casos de aborto em bovinos, é necessário o diagnóstico sistemático dos abortos para estabelecer estratégias de prevenção e controle. Isso também facilita o monitoramento e a vigilância de doenças reprodutivas em bovinos leiteiros, algumas das quais representam um risco para a saúde pública.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Campylobacter fetus , Infecções por Campylobacter/veterinária , Coxiella burnetii , Coccidiose/veterinária , Neospora , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Aborto Animal/patologia , Uruguai , Leptospira , Leptospirose/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(5): 325-332, mai. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31963


A case series study was conducted to determine the frequency of causes of abortion in dairy cattle in Uruguay. The sample size of 102 cases was composed of 53 fetuses, 35 fetuses with placentas, and 14 placentas without an associated fetus. All cases underwent gross and microscopic pathologic examinations as well as microbiological and serological testing. The etiology was determined in 54 (53%) of cases, 51 of which were caused by infectious agents. Within the observed 102 cases, 30 (29%) were caused by Neospora caninum, six (6%) by Coxiella burnetii and two (2%) by Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis. Bovine Parainfluenza-3 virus and Salmonella enterica serovar Newport caused one abortion each. Opportunistic bacteria (Escherichia coli, Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Mannheimia sp., Trueperella pyogenes, and Providencia stuartii) were associated with 11 abortions. In two cases the fetal death was attributed to dystocia, and in one case the fetus had a congenital mesothelioma. Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infection was identified in three fetuses; two of which were co-infected with and had typical lesions of N. caninum. No lesions were observed in the other fetus infected by BVDV. Leptospira interrogans was identified in one fetus without lesions. Despite the relatively low overall success rate in establishing an etiological diagnosis in cases of abortion in cattle, a systemic workup of bovine abortion is necessary to establish prevention and control strategies. This also facilitates monitoring and surveillance of reproductive diseases in dairy cattle, some of which represent a risk to public health.(AU)

Uma série de casos foi estudada para determinar a frequência de causas do aborto em bovinos leiteiros no Uruguai. A amostra, de 102 casos, foi composta por 53 fetos, 35 fetos com placentas e 14 placentas sem feto associado. Todos os casos foram submetidos a exames patológicos macroscópicos e microscópicos, além de testes microbiológicos e sorológicos. A etiologia foi determinada em 54 (53%) dos casos, 51 dos quais foram causados por agentes infecciosos. Nos 102 casos observados, 30 (29%) foram causados por Neospora caninum, seis (6%) por Coxiella burnetii e dois (2%) por Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis. O vírus da Parainfluenza-3 e Salmonella enterica serovar Newport causaram um aborto cada. Bactérias oportunistas (Escherichia coli, Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Mannheimia sp., Trueperella pyogenes e Providencia stuartii) foram associadas a 11 abortos. Em dois casos, a morte fetal foi atribuída a distocia e, em um caso, o feto apresentava mesotelioma congênito. A infecção pelo vírus da diarreia viral bovina (BVDV) foi identificada em três fetos; dois dos quais foram co-infectados e apresentavam lesões típicas de N. caninum. Não foram observadas lesões no outro feto infectado pelo BVDV. Leptospira interrogans foi identificada em um feto sem lesões. Apesar da relativamente baixa taxa de sucesso no diagnóstico etiológico nos casos de aborto em bovinos, é necessário o diagnóstico sistemático dos abortos para estabelecer estratégias de prevenção e controle. Isso também facilita o monitoramento e a vigilância de doenças reprodutivas em bovinos leiteiros, algumas das quais representam um risco para a saúde pública.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Campylobacter fetus , Infecções por Campylobacter/veterinária , Coxiella burnetii , Coccidiose/veterinária , Neospora , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Aborto Animal/patologia , Uruguai , Leptospira , Leptospirose/veterinária
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 26: e20200019, 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135144


Zika virus (ZIKV), an emerging arthropod-borne virus (arbovirus) of the Flaviviridae family, is a current issue worldwide, particularly because of the congenital and neurological syndromes associated with infection by this virus. As the initial clinical symptoms of all diseases caused by this group are very similar, clinical diagnosis is difficult. Furthermore, laboratory diagnostic efforts have failed to identify specific and accurate tests for each virus of the Flaviviridae family due to the cross-reactivity of these viruses in serum samples. This situation has resulted in underreporting of the diseases caused by flaviviruses. However, many companies developed commercial diagnostic tests after the recent ZIKV outbreak. Moreover, health regulatory agencies have approved different commercial tests to extend the monitoring of ZIKV infections. Considering that a specific and sensitive diagnostic method for estimating risk and evaluating ZIKV propagation is still needed, this review aims to provide an update of the main commercially approved serological diagnostics test by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA). Additionally, we present the technologies used for monoclonal antibody production as a tool for the development of diagnostic tests and applications of these antibodies in detecting ZIKV infections worldwide.(AU)

Vigilância Sanitária , Testes Sorológicos/métodos , Flaviviridae , Flavivirus , Zika virus , Anticorpos , Anticorpos Monoclonais
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 41(6): 2825-2832, nov.-dez. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501847


Goat and sheep farming in Brazil relies on an expressive herd, especially in the Northeast region of the country, where small ruminants constitute a relevant economic activity, with milk production being an important source of income in some dry areas of the Northeastern states. However, there are still some sanitary problems in the management of dairy goats, among which mastitis is highlighted, especially that of the subclinical type. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the use of antibiotics, exclusively or in combination with vaccines, in the control of sub-clinical mastitis in small ruminants. The study was conducted on a rural property located in Santa Maria da Boa Vista-PE. Fifty-three female Saanen dairy goats were allocated into four experimental groups. An antibiotic therapy with a commercial antimicrobial based on cloxacillin was used in group 1. Group 2 received the commercial vaccine indicated for herds with an incidence of Staphylococcus strains and the same antibiotic described for Group 1. Group 3 was evaluated for the exclusive use of vaccination, and Group 4 was the control group. A microbiological examination of the milk was carried out to confirm cases of mastitis. The percentage of udders, infected by coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp. (CNS) before and after the antibiotic + vaccine treatment was 42.8 and 7.1%, respectively. It was observed that the cloxacillinbased antibiotic could be used alone or in combination with mastitis vaccines to control staphylococcal mastitis in small ruminants. Vaccination alone was not effective in reducing the number of mastitis cases; therefore, a cross reaction against CNS was not observed. Thus, further studies to determine the potential of vaccines to control sub-clinical mastitis in small ruminants are necessary.

A caprinovinocultura brasileira dispõe de um expressivo rebanho, principalmente na região Nordeste do país, onde os pequenos ruminantes constituem uma relevante atividade econômica sendo a produção de leite uma importante fonte renda em algumas zonas secas dos estados do Nordeste. No entanto, ainda existem alguns problemas de ordem sanitária no manejo de cabras leiteiras, dentre esses, tem-se a mastite, principalmente aquela do tipo subclínica. Portanto, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o uso isolado ou combinação de antibióticos e vacinas no controle da mastite em pequenos ruminantes. O estudo foi realizado em uma propriedade localizada no município de Santa Maria da Boa Vista - PE. Um total de 53 fêmeas leiteiras Saanen foram divididas em quatros grupos experimentais. No grupo 01 foi utilizada a antibioticoterapia, com antimicrobiano comercial a base de cloxacilina. O grupo 02 recebeu vacina comercial indicada para rebanhos com incidência de cepas do gênero Staphylococcus e o mesmo antibiótico descrito para o grupo 01. Em um terceiro grupo apenas a vacina foi empregada, e por último, foi constituído um grupo controle. Empregou-se o exame microbiológico do leite para confirmação dos casos de mastite. A porcentagem de tetos infectados por Staphylococcus coagulase negativa (SCN) antes e após o tratamento Antibiótico + Vacina foi de 42,8 e 7,1%, respectivamente. Observou-se que o antibiótico a base de cloxacilina pode ser usado isoladamente ou em associação a vacinas anti-mastíticas para controle da mastite estafilocócica em pequenos ruminantes. O tratamento que preconizava a aplicação apenas da vacina não foi eficiente na redução dos casos da doença, portanto, não foi observada uma reação cruzada contra os SCN. Assim, faz-se necessária a continuidade dos estudos acerca do potencial das vacinas para o controle da mastite em pequenos ruminantes.

Animais , Cabras/anormalidades , Infecções Estafilocócicas/prevenção & controle , Infecções Estafilocócicas/veterinária , Mastite/prevenção & controle , Mastite/veterinária
Semina Ci. agr. ; 41(6): 2825-2832, nov.-dez. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27077


Goat and sheep farming in Brazil relies on an expressive herd, especially in the Northeast region of the country, where small ruminants constitute a relevant economic activity, with milk production being an important source of income in some dry areas of the Northeastern states. However, there are still some sanitary problems in the management of dairy goats, among which mastitis is highlighted, especially that of the subclinical type. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the use of antibiotics, exclusively or in combination with vaccines, in the control of sub-clinical mastitis in small ruminants. The study was conducted on a rural property located in Santa Maria da Boa Vista-PE. Fifty-three female Saanen dairy goats were allocated into four experimental groups. An antibiotic therapy with a commercial antimicrobial based on cloxacillin was used in group 1. Group 2 received the commercial vaccine indicated for herds with an incidence of Staphylococcus strains and the same antibiotic described for Group 1. Group 3 was evaluated for the exclusive use of vaccination, and Group 4 was the control group. A microbiological examination of the milk was carried out to confirm cases of mastitis. The percentage of udders, infected by coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp. (CNS) before and after the antibiotic + vaccine treatment was 42.8 and 7.1%, respectively. It was observed that the cloxacillinbased antibiotic could be used alone or in combination with mastitis vaccines to control staphylococcal mastitis in small ruminants. Vaccination alone was not effective in reducing the number of mastitis cases; therefore, a cross reaction against CNS was not observed. Thus, further studies to determine the potential of vaccines to control sub-clinical mastitis in small ruminants are necessary.(AU)

A caprinovinocultura brasileira dispõe de um expressivo rebanho, principalmente na região Nordeste do país, onde os pequenos ruminantes constituem uma relevante atividade econômica sendo a produção de leite uma importante fonte renda em algumas zonas secas dos estados do Nordeste. No entanto, ainda existem alguns problemas de ordem sanitária no manejo de cabras leiteiras, dentre esses, tem-se a mastite, principalmente aquela do tipo subclínica. Portanto, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o uso isolado ou combinação de antibióticos e vacinas no controle da mastite em pequenos ruminantes. O estudo foi realizado em uma propriedade localizada no município de Santa Maria da Boa Vista - PE. Um total de 53 fêmeas leiteiras Saanen foram divididas em quatros grupos experimentais. No grupo 01 foi utilizada a antibioticoterapia, com antimicrobiano comercial a base de cloxacilina. O grupo 02 recebeu vacina comercial indicada para rebanhos com incidência de cepas do gênero Staphylococcus e o mesmo antibiótico descrito para o grupo 01. Em um terceiro grupo apenas a vacina foi empregada, e por último, foi constituído um grupo controle. Empregou-se o exame microbiológico do leite para confirmação dos casos de mastite. A porcentagem de tetos infectados por Staphylococcus coagulase negativa (SCN) antes e após o tratamento Antibiótico + Vacina foi de 42,8 e 7,1%, respectivamente. Observou-se que o antibiótico a base de cloxacilina pode ser usado isoladamente ou em associação a vacinas anti-mastíticas para controle da mastite estafilocócica em pequenos ruminantes. O tratamento que preconizava a aplicação apenas da vacina não foi eficiente na redução dos casos da doença, portanto, não foi observada uma reação cruzada contra os SCN. Assim, faz-se necessária a continuidade dos estudos acerca do potencial das vacinas para o controle da mastite em pequenos ruminantes.(AU)

Animais , Cabras/anormalidades , Mastite/prevenção & controle , Mastite/veterinária , Infecções Estafilocócicas/prevenção & controle , Infecções Estafilocócicas/veterinária